TY Award Winners 2020/2021
Today we held our end of year TY Graduation and gave out a number or awards. Well done to all the students this year who, in the face of very trying circumstances, stayed engaged, positive and eager. You were a credit to the school and all the staff involved in TY are immensely proud of what you achieved.
TY Students of the Year:
4A: Adam McVerry & Ben Hurley
4B: Ross O'Donovan & Gavin O'Donnell
4C: Jude O'Dwyer & Thomas Coase
4D: John Carton & Eoin McCormick
TY Birders of the Year:
Hugh O'Malley
Nick Maher
TY Gardeners of the Year:
Jude O'Dwyer
David Doherty
TY Yoga Students of the Year:
Callum Mee
Eoin MacNulty
TY Philosophers of the Year:
4A: Adam McVerry
4B: Sam O'Rourke
4C: Sid Love
4D: Cilian Murphy
Overall: Liam Cunningham