A busy week!

A busy week!

There’s a lot to catch up on this week!

  • We started our TY Covid Book - a project to write and publish a book about the community’s experiences of Covid thus far. It will raise money for charity and allow our TYs to learn the skills needed to compile, present and publish a book! Emer Cleary from Emu Ink Publishers is working with us on it.

  • We had Teri Corgrove from the charity Operation Smile in to talk to a class group. She spoke about the work they do as a charity, about global poverty and much more.

  • Ms Byron Smith launched the Guidance Project which will be a central part of the TY experience helping with career choices and providing room for reflection on their various activities. Full details can be found in each student’s journal.

4A Geography Urban Planning Survey

4A Geography Urban Planning Survey

TY Covid Book

TY Covid Book