Aware Life Skills Propgramme
We have two of our four TY groups taking part in the Aware Life Skills for Schools progamme at the moment and it is brilliant. Read more about it below:
Life Skills is a free educational programme available to Transition Year students and aims to help young people develop helpful ways of thinking and managing concerns. The programme contains eight modules and is delivered over four weeks. The benefit of delivering the programme over a four week period is to give students time to reflect on the key learning point each week and time to experiment with the ‘new ways of thinking’ presented. The weekly schedule also allows time for students to raise any questions they might have with their programme instructor.
WEEK 1; UNDERSTANDING YOUR FEELINGS This session introduces cognitive behavioural (CBT) and helps the group understand that what we think and do influences how we feel. ARE YOU STRONG ENOUGH TO KEEP YOUR TEMPER (1,2,3 Breath) This session helps recognise what winds us up, and how to control anger and improve happiness and relationships.
WEEK 2; LOOKING AT THINGS DIFFERENTLY This session teaches the group to recognise and control unhelpful thinking patterns, and encourages them to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more helpful ones. BUILDING INNER CONFIDENCE Things other people say to us creep into our heads and we can begin to believe them. This session helps the group rebuild self-confidence and learn to like themselves again.
WEEK 3; THE THINGS YOU DO THAT MESS YOU UP - AND HOW TO STOP DOING THEM This session helps identify things in life, such as comfort eating or spending money, which may make us feel better initially but which might lead to problems over time; and how to manage the temptation. HOW TO FIX ALMOST ANYTHING Everything is achievable if it’s broken down into small enough steps. This session introduces a 4-step plan to help tackle problems and make positive changes in life. ../. ../.
WEEK 4; DOING THINGS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER This session focuses on encouraging the group to start doing healthy things which can make them feel better. TEN THINGS YOU CAN DO TO FEEL HAPPIER STRAIGHT AWAY The last session sums everything up and shows someAbout Aware
Aware is the national organisation offering support, education and information around depression and bipolar disorder. It is estimated that 450,000 (one in ten) people in Ireland experience depression at any one time, and a further 40,000 people experience bipolar disorder. Aware also provides a support programme for relatives supporting a loved one through depression or bipolar disorder and mental health education programmes for senior-cycle students; for employees in the workplace, and for adults who are managing challenging life situations and/or stress, as well as our range of support services. All of Aware’s services are independently evaluated and based on best practice.