Gonzaga's AIB Build a Bank Challenge Team

Gonzaga's AIB Build a Bank Challenge Team

The results of last week's AIB Bank Interviews are in and the team of six students to represent Gonzaga in the AIB Build a Bank Challenge is as follows:

  • Branch Manager - Henry Li 

  • Chief Operating Officer - Stan O’Beirne

  • Marketing Manager - Tim Costello

  • Financial Controller - Eric Nolan

  • PR Officers/Digital Officers/Community Outreach Officers - Daniel Bradley & Ethan O'Neill

We have three students on standby in case any of the above six cannot take their place. They are, in order of merit, the following: 

  1. Benjamin Bradley

  2. George Morrissey

  3. Lorenz Cuffe

Well done to everyone who took part in the CV process and the interview process and best of luck to the team!

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